A recent winter storm resulted in over four feet of snow, according to a recent release, and some resorts have begun operation. On December 8, 2015 Mother Nature dumped several feet of snow onto the higher elevations in Oregon. The snow covered the mountains like a huge white blanket, creating a sparkling white winter wonderland. The storm’s snow marks the unofficial start of the ski season.

Action Photos of Snowboarding at Timberline Lodge (Travel Oregon)
There are about a dozen ski operations that offer lifts and snowcats to access the ski-worthy mountains of Oregon. Skiers also ski in Oregon’s forests and even across volcanoes. Skiing is not the only snow sport in Oregon, or course. Snowboarding or snowshoeing are also popular.

Oregon Mountain Snow. Credit: Timberline Lodge (Travel Oregon)
After the 2010-2011 season ECONorthwest conducted an economic impact analysis, and the results indicated that that the ski industry tops $482 million in Oregon.