When we travel, we can’t help but compare our homes to the overseas destination that we visit. We will see commonalities as well as differences. However, it is the commonalities that teach us that wherever we go, people basically want the same things in life. They have the same sins and the same loves.

Vuffiens le Chateau by traveljunction
Some trips help us to appreciate home. We appreciate our language when traveling to a place where a foreign language is spoke. We appreciate our favorite foods from back home, and we appreciate the loved ones who are not with us sharing the journey.

Innsbruck Austria by Abhijeet Rane
Whenever you go abroad for several days or longer, you should expect to have a few different viewpoints by the time you return. You might not feel as though you have undergone a huge transformation, but you will probably see your hometown in a different light. You’ll bring a piece of the place that you visited with you when you return. That piece will always be with you.