Tiny & Shekinah demonstrated how fun New Orleans can be any time of the year. Tiny had the idea to have a party in New Orleans to promote their mobile weave business. Guess it’s difficult to park a luxury customized mobile weave bus, because Tiny backed into a scooter in the beginning of the show. At least she left a note.
Once they got pass seeing all of the unique and interesting people on Bourbon Street, they set out to find a venue for their party. All of the places were booked,or unavailable for Tiny & Shekina’s weave trip party except Pam Fortner, the owner of Tropical Isle Bar. Tropical Isle Bar is the home of the hand grenade, an alcoholic beverage. Pam was agreeable to having the party at Tropical Isle, because she likes fun people. Cool.

Tiny & Shekinah in New Orleans for their Weave Trip
The two travel buddies also met a bride and her wedding party. They were trying to complete all of the tasks in their scavenger hunt. One of the missions was to try to get someone to twerk. How did Tiny and Shekinah found an amazing twerker so quickly. The found a guy on a street corner who twerked like had rent to pay. One of the members of the bridal party had her hair curled in the weave trip bus.
Tiny & Shekinah went over to Cafe Du Monde, a popular market that sells beignets. Shekinah didn’t have beignets, but Tiny tore hers up. Beignets are made of fried dough and plenty powdered sugar.
To prepare for their party, they went to Beads by the Dozen for decorations. Their mission was to turn the weave bus into a Mardi Gras float. Beads by the Dozen had so many Mardi Gras beads, crowns, masks and costumes, that anyone who is looking for Mardi Gras beads and stuff in New Orleans, should definitely go there. By the time Tiny and Shekinah finished decorating the bus, it really did look like a Mardi Gras float.
The party to market the mobile weave business went well. The bridal party came by. Shekinah danced with a cute guy all night, and Tiny performed her latest (at the time) song.
In case you’ve haven’t seen it, here’s the Full Episode of Tiny and Shekinah’s Weave Trip, Season 1, Episode 3