Brandi Redmond and LeeAnne Locken continued to be at odds on Monday’s episode of The Real Housewives of Dallas. The episode aired at 10 p.m. Eastern Time on April 18, 2016. Brandi went to Marie Reyes’ house to help her daughter learn some cheerleading moves, and she apologized for her behavior at Marie’s No Tie dinner, since she got into an argument with LeeAnne while there.
Marie is obviously a loyal friend to LeeAnne; she defended her by saying that the majority of people who know LeeAnne don’t really know her.
Marie added that she and LeeAnne do not get along all of the time. Then she had a suggestion. Brandi and LeeAnne both have a great sense of humors and perhaps they could become friends based on their humor.
Probably not.
Cary and Mark Deuber
Cary said that Mark was a total fixer upper. That’s love. He was
chubby when they first met, and had lost 80 pounds while they were together, Cary boasted. A picture that demonstrated Cary’s point showed an obvious transformation. Modern-day Mark is definitely slimmer and looks cooler.
LeeAnne shared some tidbits about her life. She has lived in Dallas for 16 years and worked her way into high society by volunteering to help local charities. Fast forward to the Mad Hatters Event. It’s one of the most important events of the year. Attendees buy tickets with price tags ranging from $350 to over $3,000. Proceeds benefit the Dallas Arbortoreum.
Every year LeeAnne gets custom-made hats from designers who know that she will be photographed a lot. Naturally photos of LeAnne wearing the Mad Hatters had will appear in all of the society publications. The hat that LeAnne wore the previous year even won the Most Botanical award.
LeeAnne was extremely excited about the event and its theme, Paris in the Spring.
Brandi was excited, but for a different reason altogether.
“These women are ridiculous. They spend thousands of dollars on these hats. You are not going to wear it again, ladies,” Brandi said.

THE REAL HOUSEWIVES OF DALLAS — Season:1 — Pictured: Brandi Redmond — (Photo by: Michael Larsen/Bravo)
Brandi Gets Glammed Down
Brandi was busy making her hat for the Mad Hatter’s event. She had her glue gun out and was intent on gluing flowers and small plastic (yet realistic-looking) turds on her hat. She also found a plastic dog to put among the turds and moss on her hat.
Stephanie Hollman is in charge of the charitable contributions for her family, so although she thought that Brandi’s hat was a real hoot, she would never wear a hat like the one that Brandi was concocting.
“People would think that I have lost my mind,” Stephanie exclaimed.
Stephanie didn’t want to burn any bridges. She sent a text LeeAnne telling her that she thought the whole party thing was a misunderstanding. Truth be told, she didn’t want to make LeeAnne angry over the No Tie party fiasco.
Brandi wore her poop hat to the Mad Hatters event, and it was a big hit. LeeAnne was not crazy about it though. All of the attention was on Brandi. Media outlets were taking photographs of her, and some of the attendees wanted to take selfies with her. Brandi just wanted people to have a good laugh at her hat, so when fake turds fell from her hat, she thought that was the funniest thing.
Unfortunately LeeAnne didn’t appreciate Brandi’s kind of humor and said so to anyone who would listen, even the official-looking guy at the event.