Most of the action among the Love & Hip Hop Hollywood cast is happening in real life and in real time. So far, Princess Love and Teairra Mari got into a fight at the reunion, and Morgan Hardman and Princess also got into it. Yung Berg allegedly had an altercation with Masika Tucker in a New York Hotel after the LHHH reunion wrapped up. VH1 fired Yung Berg from show, according to this VH1 blog post. Monday’s episode was a bit ho-hum, but here’s where the action happened in Hollywood. Maybe you’ll find a great new place to explore.
Suede Bar & Lounge
At Suede Bar & Lounge, Ray J talked about his arrest. He told his story to Sincere and Yung Berg. It was a day before his sentence. “I was locked up in Beverly Hills, so I can’t take the street credit,” he said. Ray J was charged with battery and resisting arrest. Suede Bar and Lounge is inside the Westin Bonaventure in Los Angeles.

Ray J photo by Piotr Sikora for VH1
Panini Italian Kitchen
By now, most people Love & Hip Hop Hollywood fans know that Nikki Mudarris was behind the mugshot placed on the billboard on Sunset Boulevard near Masika’s Ace of Diamonds billboard. Nikki met with her mother at the Panini Italian Kitchen on Sunset Blvd. where they both had great views of the billboard with Masika on it. Nikki wanted the billboard taken down; her mother told her that Sam, the club’s owner had the right to have it up, but Michelle, Nikki’s mother, also whipped out Masika’s mugshots. Masika was arrested for shoplifting when she was 17. Bet Panini had some new customers from the people gawking at the famous billboards. Anyway, the menu at Panini Italian Kitchen includes pizza, pasta, and sandwiches.
La Ventura
Fizz and Moniece met up at La Ventura in Studio City. Moniece talked about how Amanda disrespected her. Moniece said that she wanted Amanda to be all in before she comes back. Fizz didn’t want Moniece to dictate who he dated. La Ventura is owned by Jeffrey Saad, host of the United Tastes of America on the Cooking Channel. Menu items include grilled fish, steak, enchiladas, tacos and burritos.
Los Angeles Nikki, Teairra Mari met up at Madera Kitchen in Los Angeles in this episode of Love & Hip Hop Hollywood. The plan was that Nikki and Masika could make peace. Masika wanted to be peaceful, but Nikki didn’t. Teairra Mari suggested that they at least be cordial.
Artisan House
Ray J met with his father to assure him that everything was going to be okay. Ray J told his father about his arrest and how he treated Teairra Mari. Ray J’s father said that Ray J needs to try a little tenderness and be a better man. The Artisan House is a neat restaurant with locally grown sustainable food. The restaurant even has a market and a rooftop garden.