The ball will drop for New Years in Times Square for over a million American TV viewers and a billion people across the world. The New Years ball is as the 11,875 pounds with 2,688 crystals and over 32,000 LED lights, creating an amazing 16 million colors. The New Year’s ball will rise above One Times Square at 11:59 p.m.on December 31, 2015 and will drop after the crowd counts down the seconds to midnight and the beginning of 2016.
The Times Square ball drop began in 1907 with the drop of a ball which was only about 700 pounds and was decorated with light bulbs, according to the history of the event in Wikipedia. The ball has been dropped every year since 1907 (to bring in 1908) except for 1942/1943, because of the war.

Times Square New Years Confetti by Kohei Kanno

New Years in Times Square Ball 2007 by Vikki and Kev

New Years in Times Square Ball for 2014 to bring in 2015 by Anthony Quintano
Make a Wish for the New Years
When the ball drops at midnight, thousands of tiny pieces of paper confetti will fall in celebration of the event. On these pieces of paper are written the dreams and hopes of people from around the world. Anyone can participate in this part of the Times Square tradition, by either submitting their wishes in-person to the wishing wall on Times Square or by submitting their wishes in to
Get Rid of the Old
Start off the new year by getting rid of the things that bothered you in 2015. Good Riddance Day is on December 28, 2015 from Noon to 1 p.m. It is a day to say goodbye to all of those bad memories. Anyone can visit Times Square to say good riddance to bad memories. There will a Shred It truck onsite.
You can also submit your ideas for things to be shredded in 2015 at Individuals can also tweet the items that they would like to destroy by using the hashtag #GoodRiddance Day.