When planning a trip to the Oktoberfest celebration in Helen, Georgia, I get excited about the food, especially the food at Bigg Daddys Restaurant. My mouth waters when I think about that place.
Luckily, I was able to combine a trip to the mountains with a stop over in Helen. I made it to Oktoberfest. After walking around the Oktoberfest festivities for a while, I was hungry. I was too hungry for a little snack. I needed some real food. I’d eaten at Bigg Daddys during a previous Oktoberfest, so I knew where I wanted to go, but I didn’t remember how to get there. I asked for directions, and then I asked the million dollar question. Can I walk or should I drive?

One of the people whom I spoke with told me that it was an easy walk to Bigg Daddys. The second person told me that it was a good four blocks away, and I had the impression that she wouldn’t recommend walking. It was humid, and I was already tired, but I decided to walk anyway.
Bigg Daddys is around the corner and down the street from a Wendy’s. It’s a short distance from the “festhalle” which is the Chamber of Commerce building. Once you find it, it’s easy to recognize Bigg Daddys, from its large triangular-shaped roof. There are also signs identifying the restaurant.

When I entered Bigg Daddys I was grateful for the cool air from the air conditioner. It was a sharp contrast from the muggy air outside. The place was pretty full and very loud. Many of the patrons had their eyes glued to the TVs, and they would erupt into screams from the plays made in the game they were watching. I assumed that it was a Falcon’s football game. I was seated in the back of the restaurant, because I wanted to eat inside, and there weren’t many seats left. There’s a large patio where many people were already munching on their food.
I wanted the coolest air from the air conditioner, and I wanted something freezing cold to drink. When the sever came over to take my order, I couldn’t wait to order a frozen drink, but there were no frozen drinks on the drink menu that the server directed me to. I could get something sweet on ice, so I decided to get some sweet tea.
I looked over the menu and couldn’t decide between the fish and the ribs. I had the fish last time, and it was great. That’s why I was back a second time… Should I have something different? I explained my dilemma to the server and she practically solved my problem when she said that I’d get a ton of food if I ordered the ribs.

The ribs came with the choice of two sides, so I ordered fries and macaroni. My server kept my glass of tea filled. A few minutes later, I was so full, that I could not eat another bite. I sat and people-watched for a while. I called my server to bring me the bill, but she was so busy that I had to ask another server to get her so I could pay.
When my server showed up, she had a to-go carton ready for me. I was a bit annoyed that I had to have someone get her, but I got over that when she arrived with that to-go box. I love intuitive restaurant servers.
I’m so glad that I found Bigg Daddy’s, and I chose to eat there again. I tore up the leftovers when I got home later that night. The barbecue had just the perfect flavor. I chose to have sauce instead of the dry rub. The sauce had a smokey flavor. I was glad that the pork was meaty, not fatty. I hate fatty barbecue. I really enjoyed the barbecue at Bigg Daddys, and the fish that I had on my previous trip was good, too. I can’t wait for my next visit there.