Priceline reported that Florida will be the most visited travel destination in the United States for the Christmas and Thanksgiving holidays, 2015. The research was derived from airline tickets sold for travel between December 19th and December 31st for the Christmas holidays and from November 20th to November 27th for the Thanksgiving Holidays.

Naples Pier, Photo by Diana Robinson
According to Priceline, travelers on the East Coast, who live in wintry climates are traveling south, and people who live in geographic locations with warm winters are seeking the snow. West Coast travelers are making their way to California, so naturally California is the second most visited destination for the holidays.
Ironically, for the Christmas holidays, people from Florida and three other states are traveling North to New York. Residents in 25 states, however, are traveling south to Florida for Christmas, Priceline reports.
For this coming Thanksgiving, Florida is on top. The report states that there are 19 states for which most residents plan to take a trip and visit the Sunshine State for the holidays. People who live in the West and in the Midwest are planning to travel to California.
In any case, warm weather beaches where flip flops, t-shirts and shorts are the dress code are in the future for snowbirds who have planned to spend their winter holidays in the South. Travelers should gear up for crowded airports and airplanes for destinations to both Florida and California.