In Season 5 of Love and Hip Hop New York, Erica Mena has been plugging her clothing line, HER. The line began as a joint effort between Erica and her former girlfriend Cyn Santana (at least that’s the story from the reality TV show). After Cyn revealed that she didn’t know much about the income from the clothing line, and she found out that it was bringing in about $30,000 a month, Love & Hip Hop New York fans were probably wondering if the clothing line is really that hot.

Erica Mena, photo courtesy of VH1
If you’ve never heard of the clothing line that Erica Mena talked about on LHHNY, I’m here to say that Erica does have a branded clothing line called HER, and the line does contain wearable fashions, not the runway couture clothing that you usually won’t see on the street. Her line is purely urban, and definitely sexy, but not so sexy that you’d be ashamed to wear it out.
— Erica Mena (@iamErica_Mena) January 3, 2015
The line includes tube tops, a t-shirt (You Can’t Handle My Mouth), a fitted hoodie and skirt set, a sexy dress, and crop tops. The tops in the Erica Mena line range between about $25 to $30. The hoodies are $50, while the two-piece hoodie and skirt set is $60. Many of the items in the line are branded with the HER logo.
According to her biography, Erica began her clothing line at the end of 2013 because fans seemed to be interested in her fashion sense. The pieces in the line are ultra-casual, with the exception of the sole dress in the line. All of the pieces look comfortable and cute. Perhaps more importantly, the prices are doable for the average person. The clothes aren’t extremely unique-looking, but they are attractive. If you have not done so already, you should take a look at what Ms. Erica Mena has to offer on her HER website.
Introducing the Erica Mena line, HER
Shop #HerByEricaMena — Erica Mena (@iamErica_Mena) January 14, 2015