Corinne and Taylor had a confrontation in Week 4 of The Bachelor, which aired on January 23, 2017. The episode began with a rose ceremony, Brittany Farrar and Christen were the unlucky women who didn’t get a rose. As a surprise, the group finally had their first trip. They went to Waukesha, Wisconsin, Nick Viall’s hometown.
Danielle Lombard got a one-on-one date with Nick. The went to the Sweeter Side of the Deli in Waukesha, where they decorated cookies.
On the way from the Sweeter Side, the couple conveniently ran into Amber, one of Nick’s exes. They’d dated a few months. Amber was gracious enough to allow Danielle to ask her questions about Nick (with Nick sitting right there). Danielle asked her why Nick was still single, and Amber said that if Nick wasn’t feeling anything with a person, he’d end the relationship.
The couple had dinner at the Iron Horse Hotel, and Danielle revealed that she caught her ex-boyfriend having sex with another woman. Danielle was so irate that she hit him in the head with his lover’s shoe.
Nick had a special surprise for Danielle L. after dinner. He took her to another venue where a crowd of screaming fans greeted them and Chris Lane serenaded them.
Photo courtesy of ABC/George Burns
Photo courtesy of ABC/George Burns
Back at the house, the other women received a date card for a group date. Rachel Lindsay, Alexis Waters, Vanessa Grimaldi, Jasmine Goode, Jaime King, Sarah Vendal, Whitney Fransway, Kristina Schulman, Astrid Loch, Taylor Nolan, Josephine Tutman, Danielle Maltby, and Corinne Olympios were on the group date. So, that left Raven Gates to go on the second one-on-one date with Nick. Of course, she was not only happy that she was going on an private date with Nick, but she was also thrilled that Corinne wasn’t chosen for the group date.
The women went to a dairy farm where they had to shovel manure. Corinne complained about everything from the flies to the smell she bowed out of the shoveling and isolated herself. The other women were irritated that Corinne was not participating in another activity. They talked about her behind her back and gave her the cold shoulder.
During their date, Raven and Nick played on the soccer field with Nick’s younger sister. Raven met Nick’s parents after they finished playing. Later, Nick, Raven, and Bella went to the Skate Land skating rink where they goofed around on roller skates. Raven and Nick dined at the Milwaukee Art Museum.
Had fun taking photos and walking around @MilwaukeeArt this afternoon. More pics:
— Chelsey Jo (@ChelseyJo) January 14, 2017
Milwaukee Museum of Art
Corinne decided to confront the women. They gathered together and voiced their concerns. The women were angry that Corinne was not involved in the activities, and Corinne was irritated that they were irritated with her. Taylor was pretty vocal about how she felt about Corinne’s maturity level. It all came down to Taylor and Corinne talking about their differences. Taylor said that she had a lower level of emotional intelligence. Corinne interpreted that as a slur against her intelligence. Taylor also said that she felt that Corinne was not mature nor did she have enough coping skills to have a fulfilling relationship. Corinne interpreted that as Taylor calling her an idiot, and she said on camera that she wanted to punch Taylor in the face. Apparently, next week one of the women is going to be gone, so the feud between Corinne and Taylor continues.