A rule change at Disney properties in America prohibits children who are under 14 years old from entering and roaming around the theme park without an adult, NBC News reported. The change became effective on March 25.

Disney by Princess Ashley
Apparently, some travelers had been dropping their teens off at the park and allowing them to experience the park on their own. It goes without saying (but we’ll say it anyway) that parents had pre-teens who were charged with watching over younger children at the park. The new Disney rule can serve two major purposes. The Disney rule for underage children can keep kids safer during their visits to the park and it can help protect Disney property from kids who misbehave when their parents are not around. The new rule can also help cut out some of the drama that occurs when kids do not have adult supervision. It’s pretty awkward for other families and Disney staff members to witness unchaperoned children cutting in the line or otherwise behaving badly. You all probably know what can occur when well-meaning adults try to chastise other people’s children.
The greater issue rests in the children’s safety. Although children can get hurt while their parents are around, they are certainly safer when they are under the watchful eye of an adult. So, parents will supervise their children who are under 14, which will make Disney staff members happy and Disney guests happy, but what about Disney’s there’s something for everyone marketing plan? Parents with 12 and 13-year-olds won’t be able to drop their teens off at the parks while the adults have some alone time.
Has anyone noticed the Disney commercial that targets travelers who do not have children? The commercial spotlights Disney as a place that adults can enjoy without the kids. Maybe Disney fans will see more of that, because Disney has a fair share of properties and attractions for the grown-ups. Who knows? Perhaps Disney will offer nanny services specifically for its theme parks (for a fee).
Photo by Princess Ashley